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The Roundup Top Ten for November 11, 2022

Why King Oil Rules American Politics

by Meg Jacobs

Politicians have repeatedly faced imperiled election prospects because of high gas prices, yet remain unwilling to take serious steps to unwind the oil dependency built into the American environment. 

Asian Americans Helped Build Affirmative Action; Today Some are Working to Dismantle It

by Ellen Wu

The midcentury rise of fascism and struggles for Black civil rights gave some Japanese American activists an opening to argue for principles of proportionality in ethnic representation in politics, education, employment, and other areas, key support for the group of policies that became affirmative action. 

The 1968 Tuskegee Student Uprising and the Moral Force of the Black University

by Brian Jones

"In a moment when Black studies and Black history are widely under attack, it can be useful to remember that Black student activists have historically been at the center of fights to democratize higher education and expand the curriculum."

Miami Was Once a Model for Diversity Training—But it was Always Controversial

by Catherine Mas

Beginning in the 1970s, Miami-Dade County led the way in exploring ways to train health and human services professionals to interact with the area's diverse populations with respect and effective communication. The conflicts exploited by the "Stop WOKE" Act date back to this period. 

Human Beings Make Elections Work – Were You Kind to Poll Workers Today?

by Amel Ahmed

Overworked, underpaid, and now harassed and even threatened: election workers are the backbone of democracy and the nation can't afford to have them pushed out of their jobs. 

Critical Minerals and Geopolitical Competition

by Gregory Brew and Morgan Bazilian

Can developed nations decarbonize without exacerbating the geopolitics of resource extraction as demands for critical minerals conflicts with local labor, environmental, and human rights protection? 

In "God Forbid" the Falwells Epitomize Christian Hypocrisy

by Anthea Butler

The story of the Falwells and the scandal that undid their empire isn't about sexuality, but about the Evangelical compulsion to push back social change and the elevation of power over morality. 

The Fascism Debate is Over; Fascism Won

by Jonathan M. Katz

Academic hair-splitting about the applicability of the F-word to the MAGA phenomenon has not served the cause of democracy well. 

"Bolsonarismo" After Bolsonaro: Lula's Return and Antifascist Organizing in Brazil

by Sean Purdy

Entrenched support for Bolsonaro in Brazil's police, military, and institutions mean that the left will need to sustain grassroots mobilization to prevent the right from sweeping back into power. 

No, Liberal Historians Can't Tame Nationalism

by Eran Zelnik

Liberal historians confronted with both right-wing nationalism and renewed "history wars" have tried to thread a needle by telling a positive story of nationalism. The author contends the exclusionary and belligerent aspects of nationalism can't be domesticated by surrounding them with the right narrative.