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The Roundup Top Ten for March 3, 2023

There's a Long History of Indoctrination in Florida Schools—on the Right

by Tera W. Hunter

The author's experiences with a state mandated course contrasting "Americanism" with "Communism" echo in today's attacks on curriculum, and the exclusion of ideas challenging a social order of economic and racial inequality. 

Black History, White Terror, and Rosewood at 100

by Dan Royles

The efforts of historians and survivors to achieve a small measure of justice and acknowledgment for the Rosewood massacre demonstrate the stakes of Florida's current efforts to restrict the teaching of history that challenges white supremacy. 

The Bankrupt Vision of the College Board

by Annie Abrams

"We have endowed the College Board with the power to shape millions of minds with its profitable exams. In turn, it holds students hostage for college tuition, stifles teachers, and destroys space for debating difficult topics."

Is Ukraine Headed for a Cease Fire? And Is That the Best Option?

by Sergey Radchenko

After an essential stalemate between 1951 and 1953, a cease-fire in Korea enabled the parties to avoid both defeat and the cost of victory. Is this the best chance for resolving the war in Ukraine? 

It's Time for Labor Spring

by Cindy Hahamovich, William P. Jones and Joseph A. McCartin

In 1996, labor unions connected with campus activists to support anti-sweatshop movements, living wage campaigns for campus workers, and graduate student union organization. Now, labor must expand that effort for "wall-to-wall" organizing to make campuses better and more democratic workplaces. 

A Different Kind of Unfree Labor Haunts a Houston Suburb

by Ashanté Reese

Texas's convict labor system was a first step in reasserting white dominance over Black labor through criminal law. The discovery of remains of convicted laborers on the site of a former prison farm show the need to reckon with unfree labor after the end of slavery. 

Is Globalization Changing Mexico's Relationship to Death?

by Humberto Beck

Post-revolutionary Mexico embraced cultural commemorations of the dead—Diá de los Muertos—to help conceal the violence of the regime's rise. Now, that "traditional" culture is again being transformed by global cultural appropriation and the escalating violence of global drug trafficking.

Ignorance of Its Achievements Contributes to Feminism's Bad Rap

by Elizabeth Cobbs

Slanders of American feminism as disruptive and disloyal go back to John Adams. But advances in freedom from education to abolition, suffrage to labor rights, have reflected the work of feminists to claim a public role for women as citizens. 

Black Power is a Love Story

by Dan Berger

While the movement is popularly associated with anger, love was the emotional force that enabled activists to struggle for justice against powerful opposition. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene's "National Divorce" Won't be Amicable

by Thomas Lecaque and Joshua Call

The greatest danger of the Congresswoman's call for red and blue states to disaffiliate is that it will encourage followers to use political and extralegal means to move their communities and states closer to the fantasy of unity and homogeneity she referenced.