With support from the University of Richmond

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Petition for historians and other academics killed in Iraq

Dear colleagues,

Among the more than 250 college professors who have been killed since 30 April 2003 in Iraq are the following historians:

**Khalid M. al-Janabi, PhD. in Islamic history, faculty member at the College of Art, Babylon University. Date of assassination unknown.

**Essam Sharif Mohammed (also spelled Hissam Sharif), Ph.D in History, assistant professor at the College of Art, Baghdad University. Date of assassination: 25 October 2003.

**Mahfoudh al-Qazzaz, PhD. in Islamic history; faculty member at the College of Art, Mosul University. Killed by a death squad in front of his family at his home in Mosul on 20 December 2004.

**Jamhour Karim Kammas Al Zargani, PhD. in History; department head at the College of Education at Al- Basrah University. Abducted for two days, tortured, and killed. His family found the dead body with broken arms and legs in a nearby street in Basra on 19 August 2005.

**Kemal Nassir, professor of history, lecturer in Mustansiriya and Kufa. Date of assassination: 1 October 2006.

**In addition, Abd-Asalam Ali Hussein, PhD. in Islamic History, was arrested on 22 May 2005.

The Council for Assisting Refugee Academics (CARA), London, is one of several human-rights organizations launching a petition campaign for these scholars. To sign, please visit CARA's homepage at http://www.academic-refugees.org. Thank you.

With best wishes,

Antoon De Baets (Network of Concerned Historians)

P.S.: For other news about Iraqi history and archives, see the NCH Annual Reports of 1998, and 2000 up to 2006, all soon available on http://www.concernedhistorians.org.