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Late 'Comfort Woman' Recognized for Lifelong Human Rights Activities with Amnesty Award

SEOUL, April 29 (Yonhap) -- The late Kim Bok-dong, a former sex slavery victim-turned human rights activist, received Wednesday a posthumous award from Amnesty International in recognition of her passion for and efforts toward the human rights of sex slavery victims.

The Korean branch of the U.K.-based non-governmental organization has chosen the late activist as a recipient of the 22nd Amnesty International Korea Media Awards, acknowledging Kim's dedication to justice for sex slavery victims.

Up to 200,000 women, mostly Koreans, were forced into sexual servitude in Japanese military brothels during World War II, when the Korean Peninsula was under Japanese colonial rule, according to historians. Those sex slaves were euphemistically called "comfort women."

The award ceremony took place during the decadeslong weekly protest in downtown Seoul to support the victims and condemn Japan's repeated denials of wartime atrocities.

Read entire article at Yonhap News Agency