With support from the University of Richmond

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Candidate’s Rebel Yell for Confederate Flag Falls on Deaf Ears in South Carolina

Sheri Few is not a household name, even in GOP circles. But an ad she’s running in support of the Confederate flag in South Carolina is getting plenty of attention in the special election to replace former Rep. Mick Mulvaney in the state’s 5th Congressional District.

In the ad, Few attacks state Rep. Tommy Pope and former state Rep. Ralph Norman, who both voted in 2015 to remove the Confederate flag from the grounds of the South Carolina state capitol. “They started a war on our history,” Few says in the ad.

“It’s time for leaders to stand up and stop political correctness, and fight for what we believe.”

Pope and Norman are two of seven Republicans running in the May 2 special election, along with Few. As members of the South Carolina House in 2015, they voted to remove the Confederate battle flag after a mass shooting killed nine people at Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church, including South Carolina State Sen. Clem Pinckney. In the months following the vote, polls showed a strong majority of South Carolinians supported the decision, with just 33 percent still saying the flag should still fly in front of the capitol (PDF).

Read entire article at The Daily Beast